Reset Your mSecure Account
Clicking the Reset Account button will begin the account reset process. An email will be sent to your email address and you'll have 15 minutes to click the link in the email in order to continue the account reset process and reset your password.
The account reset process will destroy all of your information in mSecure 5. If you have your information stored in mSecure 3.5, 4.0 or 4.5, this account reset will not delete the data in those apps. If you are trying to move over to the new mSecure app, your data in the old mSecure apps will not be affected by anything you do in mSecure 5.
Do NOT proceed if you only need to change the password used to unlock mSecure 5. Each mSecure 5 app has its own password change feature located either in the settings for iOS, Android and Windows, or in the menu bar on a Mac. Use the password change feature located within the mSecure 5 app if all you need to do is change your password.